Getting Right Down to Business…
As of today, in writing this It Works Global Review, we have seen over 400% growth since the beginning of this year. Which looks exactly like an exponential growth curve!
I can say that with complete honestly right now because my husband and I have personally helped/mentored several dozen people to quit their previous jobs, pay off debt, and change their lives financially (and that was prior to It Works’ MASSIVE, growth spurt over these past six months).
More specifically, they have started growing exponentially over the past 4 months. (I actually heard specific sales numbers at our conference this weekend, and charted them on a graph, and it looks exactly like you would expect an exponential graph would, as the slope gets more and more shallow going up toward the right.)
So, the following topics cover what I think are the most important questions for a newbie looking into the It Works Global business:
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